Package imports: new Austrian orthography and unicode support
Document environment
Here comes the document's content.
This is a second paragraph.
Compiling to PDF
LaTeX documents need to be compiled
Different output formats supported, such as PDF
fhlug@kn:~$ pdflatex filename
Proper punctuation
Getting quotation marks right can be tricky
Depends on loaded language (babel package)
en/em-dash (Gedankenstrich): -- and --- respectively
``English `quotation' marks.'' (“English ‘quotation’ marks.”)
"`Mit \glq naustrian\grq{} sieht das so aus"'. („Mit ‚naustrian‘ sieht das so aus“.)
Simple markup
Chapters, sections, subsections
Short sentence with \emph{markup}.
\emph{Markup can\emph{also} be nested}.
Bulleted, numbered, and definition lists
\begin{enumerate}\item First item
\end{enumerate}\begin{itemize}\item Bulleted item
\end{itemize}\begin{description}\item[Term] Description
Quickly import source code listings into your document
Basic syntax highlighting support
Define different settings with \lstdefinestyle
\lstinputlisting[language=C++,caption={Source code included from file}]{path/to/file.cpp}
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java,caption={Source code in tex file}]
String s = "Code can be marked up without including it from a file.";
Short source code snippets can even be inlined: \lstinline{++i;}
\caption{This is a sample figure}
\end{figure}\begin{table}\caption{This is a sample table}
% table content
Passages can be labeled to be referenced later
\autoref command in package hyperref
See \autoref{fig:abc} for more information.
List of *
Autogenerated lists with links to all figures
or tables
… or listings
Bibliography management
Manage a list of your sources
Allows easy citation and referencing
Separate program (BibTeX)
Workflow: pdflatex → bibtex → pdflatex → pdflatex
title={LaTeX for dummies},
author={First AuthorandSecond Author},